German Gymnastics and Sports in Bukovina
[based on Festschrift celebrating the 50th anniversary celebration in Stuttgart (1953)]

Josef Talsky. “Das deutsche Turn- und Sportwesen in der Bukowina,” in Bukowina: Heimat von Gestern. Erwin Massier, Josef Talsky and B. C. Grigorowicz, eds., Sophie A. Welisch, trans. (Karlsruhe: Selbstverlag “Arbeitskreis Bukowina Heimatbuch,” 1956),  pp. 187-198, 218-221. 

Translated by Dr. Sophie A. Welisch.
Posted on the World-Wide Web
 by the Bukovina Society of the Americas
May 13, 2006

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German sports in the narrower sense of German gymnastics in our old homeland followed the pattern of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, the pathfinder of the totality of German gymnastics. Our gymnastic and sports enthusiasts chose him as an example and symbol for their clubs and held him in awe. No friend of the young and no teacher of the German people had more memorials erected to him than “Gymnastics Father” Jahn. In Lanz an the Priegnitz, Jahn’s place of birth, there is an obelisk and a stone memorial stone towers on high near Eger in Bohemia. Jahn memorials can also be found in South Africa, South and North America and even in Japan.


For many years on Koch Street in Berlin there was an inscription on a house with the following testimonial: “Here lived the Father of German Gymnastics, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, 11. August 1778 – 15. October 1852. In 1811 he established the first open air gymnasium in the Hasenheide.”


The house in which he died stands in Freyburg on the Unstrut [River]. It was a pilgrimage center for German gymnasts. But since an arbitrary boundary divides Germany, it has become quiet in the courtyard of the Jahn house and from the crypt of the Father of Gymnastics the old gymnasts’ song, “Ein Ruf ist erklungen”[a call has rung out] no longer resounds under the autumn sky. Nonetheless, who knows, all this may have passed away, but in the hearts of the German gymnasts and assuredly in the hearts of our “Jahners” from Bukovina Friedrich Ludwig Jahn remains unforgotten, because in recalling Jahn are we overcome by a kind of homesickness when we recall the many happy and carefree hours we spent in the framework of our gymnastic and sports clubs in Bukovina dedicated to Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.


Jahn’s favorite motto, with which we concurred, was: “My shield has three colors, black-red-gold, and on it is written: unity, freedom, fatherland! This should be an undivided Germany, free from arbitrary boundaries.” How relevant this view appears today should be only all too obvious to every clear-thinking German.


October 15, 1952 marked the centennial of the death of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. We, too, want to memorialize him. But at the same time we also wish to remember all our gymnastic and sports comrades who are no longer among us. We will never forget them. The meaning and tasks of our “Jahn” clubs in the old homeland are sufficiently known by us all. As the furthest functioning German gymnastics clubs in Eastern Europe, their task was not only the physical development of German youth in Bukovina, but the establishment of a close connection between “Jahn” and ethnic life in our homeland. Especially during the years after the annexation of Bukovina by Romania (1919-1940) our gymnastic clubs worked in strengthened measure as refuge and defender of German concerns and German ethnic consciousness.


As in the times of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn in the German realm, so the representatives of the German gymnastics and sports clubs in Bukovina contributed to the creation of a healthy balance between body and soul, between the material and the spiritual, which also succeeded in our earning respect and recognition from the many other nationalities in our midst.


The oldest of these gymnastic clubs was the “German Gymnastics and Sports Club Jahn” Czernowitz. Aside from Czernowitz, there were German gymnastic clubs in Radautz, Gurahumora, Suczawa and for a short time Storojinetz and Sereth could point to similar clubs as well, which used “Jahn’s” symbol, the four  large F’s. Frish, fromm, fröhlich und frei  [alert, devout, joyful and free] were the characteristics most striven for by all the “Jahners.”




Even though the “German Gymnastics and Sports Club Jahn” Czernowitz only became fully functional at the beginning of the 20th century, nonetheless, several German clubs had been founded several decades earlier dedicated to the objective of physical development combined with cheerful activity in open nature.


Thus, for example, we know that the first gymnastics club was founded in Czernowitz in 1867. In Jahrbuch für deutsche Literaturbestrebungen der Bukowina 1932 [Yearbook for German Literary Endeavors in Bukovina 1932] there is a report by Alfred Klug entitled “Im Jahre 1867” [In the year1867], in which he states the following:  

The newly founded Czernowitzer Turnverein [Czernowitz Gymnastics Club, i.e., Turners], the first in

Bukovina, sponsored a festival celebration in Franzthal and invited the three choral groups which at that

time existed in the region, namely the Czernowitzers, the Serethers who had the name ‘Harmonia,’ and

the Radautzers. The Turners were the hosts; they and their wives had assumed responsibility for the   

meals. They had also engaged a Gypsy orchestra to accompany the performances and which was later

to play at the dance. ‘Harmonia’ provided the beverages . . .while the Sereth singers, who, rather

annoyed, were the ones who three months earlier had asked the Turners, if after having announced the

Turnfest months ago, they did not finally wish to proceed with it. It was thanks to this communication

that the Turners energetically pulled themselves together and on September 1, 1867 from the cities of

Bukovina—Suczawa also agreed to participate—a great crowd assembled for a celebration in which all

considered themselves friends and brothers, an occasion the likes of which Bukovina had never

previously witnessed and as—despite all good intentions—never again occurred.


No sooner had the Turners wanted to start with the floor exercises than an elegant coach approached in

which sat a gentleman of about fifty years of age and a young girl. The Serethers recognized the new

arrivals: ‘Gustav Beill’ they cheerfully called out. This man came from a long-established family, which

soon after the occupation of Bukovina by Austrian troops, had settled in Sereth. There his grandfather

opened a beer brewery in 1795, the products of which were known and prized throughout the land. . .

How long this gymnastics club of 1867 lasted and who were its worthy initiators and sponsors are unknown to us. It can nonetheless be assumed that in the course of the following years of the nineteenth century gymnastics were pursued in Czernowitz and that gymnastics clubs must have existed earlier.


Since the history of our “Czernowitz Gymnastics and Sports Club Jahn” is better known to us, we wish in the following paragraphs to reconstruct a report about the founding, development, and the almost forty years of pursuits of the Gymnastics and Sports Club Jahn Czernowitz based on memory and the “recollection protocols” of former Jahners.


We are aware that much will be incomplete regarding the club itself as well as acknowledgement of worthy club members and beg pardon of all whom we, relying solely on our recollection, have omitted.


The activity of “Jahn Czernowitz” can be divided into periodic segments: (1) before World War I from 1903-1914, (2) 1914-1919, and (3) the interwar period (1919-1940).




When the “German Soccer Club Czernowitz” was founded in 1903, there were only a small number of twenty to thirty enthusiasts interested in hiking, gymnastics and soccer as well as the carefree life in the outdoors as the goal and purpose of their leisure-time activity. The club got a new impetus in 1911. Its name was changed to “Fußball und Turnverein Jahn Czernowitz” [Soccer and Gymnastics Club Jahn Czernowitz]. The motivation to emphasize gymmastics and sports life in Czernowitz presumably came from master confectioner Kunzelmann. Club membership grew. City School Inspector Professor Raffael Kaindl was elected chairman and for many years ran the club in model fashion, warmly supported by executive committee members Dr. Peter Blass, Finger, Otto Maurer, Professor Mühldorf, Professor A. Kuzmany and many others.


There followed children’s, girls’ and women’s sections as well as boys’ and men’s sections. Although gymnastics initially consisted of random attempts to use individual pieces of equipment, the enthusiasm and number of those who participated are surely impressive. It was not long, however, until a gymnastics teacher, assistant secondary school master Alexander Kuzmany, in a praiseworthy manner, made himself available to direct the gymnastics classes. From this time on not only did organized gymnastics begin but also the brisk participation in hiking in the lovely environs of Czernowitz. Professor Dr. Johanna Ott took charge of the young girls.


The Gymnastics Hall of the k. k. I Staat Gymnasium [Royal and Imperial I State Gymnasium] (later called “Aron Pumnul”) was the club’s first practice place, which its director, the Privy Councilor Dr. Wolf, generously made available at no charge.


It is noteworthy that at that time gymnastics for girls was a much-debated issue. The girls’ gymnastics attire also occasioned much controversy. At first they practiced in long black stockings and baggy trousers over which they wore a pleated skirt with a white short-sleeved blouse. Gradually the now prevailing generally accepted attire for girls became accepted.


At the first gymnastics exhibition in which girls also participated, special permission from the Board of Directors of the secondary school [Lyceum] had first to be obtained, since most of the girls were students at this institution. This massive gymnastic program, held in 1911 as far as can be recalled, was the first in Czernowitz to be performed on a stage. For this reason it was an extraordinary experience for all those who showed an interest in gymnastics.


This was the first great success of “Jahn” Czernowitz in public, and through it the young club earned much deserved recognition. The performance of the young male team on the horizontal bars presumably so impressed the elderly gymnastics Professor Grilitsch that he got on the stage and hugged Professor A. Kuzmany, the director responsible for the exercises.


From this time on “Jahn” sponsored its eagerly and enthusiastically anticipated annual great gymnastics display, which almost all the ”prominent” Czernowitz personalities attended. The soccer team of this young club at that included the following: Max Baltheiser, Dr. Peter Blass, Emil Finger, Fritschay, Andreas Hack, Jakob and Peter Leugner, J. Martin, Otto Maurer, Oswald Reeh, Renowicz, engineer Nagele, Romi Nestmann, Dionys Schulz, Tillich, Dr. Alfred Wagner, Heinrich Wagner, Dr. Robert Wagner, Franz Wonsowicz, Rudolf Ziemba, and others.


It should also be mentioned that already before World War I a first-rate “Jahn” orchestra under the direction of Dr. Sepp Kaindl significantly contributed to the positive outcome of all performances.


Within the scope of a Southeast German Gymnastics  meet in 1911 the “Verband der Karpathendeutschen” [Association of Carpathian Germans] was established in  the German House in Czernowitz.


 As did the ”Verein der christlichen Deutschen in der Bukowina” [Association of Christian Germans in Bukovina], which acted as one of the first protective organizations in the East, the “Carpathian German Conferences” served a similar purpose. Professor Raimund Friedrich Kaindl, the historian of the Southeast Germans and since 1911 the Director of the Association of Christian Germans in Bukovina, was the initiator of these conferences which always featured the German gymnastics performances with “Jahn” Czernowitz setting the tone.


The active union between the Sports Club “Jahn” and ethnic life in Bukovina was symbolically identified in the years before World War I with the name Kaindl, although as already mentioned, City School Inspector Raffael Kaindl was Director of “Jahn” and Dr. Sepp Kaindl, the Director of the “Jahn” Orchestra.


At that time “Jahn” belonged to the gymnastics circle of the “Deutscher Turnerschaft” [German Athletic Club], which included Germany as well as Austria.


In August 1912 “Jahn” sent teams to an athletic competition in Franzthal near Semlin and to the Second Carpathian German Convention in Ruma (Syrmia) in Slavonia.




Between 1914 and 1919 our old homeland was repeatedly a theater of war and subjected to its unavoidable and grave consequences. It is therefore not incomprehensible that well-meaning initiatives for continuation, in particular for a revitalization of a regulated gymnastics life in Czernowitz, was nipped in the bud. During this time gymnastics and soccer games took place although only in isolated instances and without festive surroundings.




            After World War I “Jahn” experienced a great leap forward. Despite the fact that the war had considerably thinned the ranks of the gymnasts and soccer players and despite material and also political need, there soon gathered a small but respectable group of old and new “Jahners” under the dedicated guidance of Director Professor Dr. Adam Hodel, who again brought the name of “Jahn” to full recognition.


Supported by gymnastics teachers Professor Lissner and Professor Kuzmany as well as Franz Guber and the teacher Derer, new gymnastics teams were again organized in the gymnasium [Turnhalle] on Josef Street. The soccer players still had no real athletic field; the same was true for the athletes.  They trained on the Rosch meadow but also in the Götz sawmill.


The problem of having their own athletic field became increasingly greater. After long back and forth, they finally found a rental place near the Water and Highway Department, the so-called flood district of the Pruth [River] in Lenkoutz. This was the place which stood at our disposal until the resettlement [1940]. Through contributions and significant endorsements from German businesses, the essential wood for a grandstand could soon be acquired. With the energetic and devoted support of all sectors, the area was planned and measured and the grandstand, dressing rooms and accommodations for the groundsman were constructed. “Jahn” had built a facility of which it could be proud.


The dedication of the sports arena took place in 1923. In Bukowina Boten 1923, June, (No. 6), p.8 we can find a report about the German sports exhibition on the occasion of the dedication. Among other points, it states,  “Even if only partially favored by nice weather, the great gymnastics and sports meet of the German ‘Jahn’ Club took place between May 19 – 21 in Czernowitz amidst the greatest participation of the population for the dedication of ‘Jahn’s’ own athletic field, considered the most splendid on this bank of the Pruth. Aside from the Hermannstädter Turnverein (H.T.V.) [Hermannstadt Gymnastics Club], the guests included numerous members from the Czernowitz clubs. On the first day, Saturday, the athletic competitions took place (already on the ‘Jahn’ Place), of which the H.T.V. as well as ‘Jahn’ performed the best.”


Of the female athletes M. Klein, M. Oppelt, Reimers and Schmidt did especially well. The men who earned laurel wreaths included Franzi Guber, Kohlruss, Millanisch, Nestmann, Oppelt and Reiske.


In soccer the H.T.V. beat our “Jahners” 2:1. “The main celebrations, namely the ceremonial opening of the arena, took place on Pentecost Monday. After the inauguration and blessing of the arena by Greek Orthodox and Protestant clerics, Dr. Hodel, the director of ‘Jahn,’ greeted those present and defined its purpose. The vice president of the Regional Sports Committee, Captain Sidorovici, spoke next. He mentioned the significance of sports for the city and for the people and acknowledged the enthusiastic and successful efforts of ‘Jahn’ in the area of sports. Professor Dr. Lang congratulated ’Jahn’ in the name of all German clubs and the German Ethnic Council for Bukovina. The festivities were concluded on the evening of Pentecost Monday with a great athletic exhibition, which ‘Jahn’ had organized in the banquet hall of the German House.”


The central figures on the soccer team included:  Erkhardt, Finger, Guber, Haberzettel, Karapetz, Lachmund, Leugner, Moroschkanitz, Romi Nestmann, Reeh, Schneider, H. and R. Wagner, Walenzi, Ziemba, and others. Leo Bauer, Franz Hermann, Professor Kuzmany and Oppelt can be ranked among the most talented athletes.


The creation of the tennis, handball and ice sports sections date after the inauguration of the sports arena. Here Lachmund, Ferdi Oppelt, Ruczkowski, Schneider and Tillich set the tone. The athletic meets and gymnastic exhibitions, which now took place bi-annually, also added much to the development of sports life to the other nationalities in Bukovina, with whom a model sports competition was carried out.


We have a list of the 1927 officers: Director: Dr. Adam Hodel, Representative: Karl Schneider and Dr. Benno Romanowski; Athletic Section Leader: Franzi Guber; Representative: Otto Maurer; Football Section Leader: Dr. Alfred Wagner; Athletic and Ice Sports: Dr. Benno Romanowski; Winter Sports (Ski Division): Dr. Anton Mühldorf; Swimming Division: Johann Wotta; Entertainment: Karl Schneider, Dr. B. Romanowski and Dr. P. Wotta; Hiking Section Leaders: Jakob Görös, Hans Fritz; Groundsmen: Karl Hoffmann and Hans Maurer; Equipment Wardens: H. Wagner and W. Landskron; Treasurer: Eduard Oppelt; Secretaries: Wilhelm Landskron and Ed Oppelt; without function: Bruno Fontin, Anton Schick, Hans Haberzettel, Wilhelm Bujor and Fritz Hadler.


In 1928 under the direction of the incumbent chairman Prof. Dr. Hodel, the twenty-fifth  “Jahn” anniversary celebration took place. These again were days of recognition and success for our “Jahn.” As part of the jubilee celebration, there were also competitions at the Jahn arena in Czernowitz.of teams from Romania, with many from Transylvania.


The soccer team of this period includes names, which in the following decades formed the matrix of our still so well-known team. These include: Baczynski, Benda, Eisenbeiser, Fastnacht, Grandl, Jerecznyski, Mech, Rodewald, Schuster, Stricker and Woloschtschuk.


The fourth decade of the founding of “Jahn” can be designated as the most successful. Sections for almost all existing types of sports of that time were organized. Seen in its totality “Jahn” had divisions of the following sections: gymnastics, soccer, handball, punch ball, volleyball, athletics, tennis, table tennis ice skating, ice hockey, skiing and hiking.


The thirtieth-year celebration in 1933 is still imbedded in our memory. As ten years earlier at the consecration of our arena, this celebration also took place during Pentecost. The consecration of the new “Jahn”-flag was the main event of the celebration. The consecration of the flag, the white field at the entrance of the gymnasts, and the festival performance of Der Fahnenschwur [The Flag Oath] were truly experiences of impressive dedication and spiritual exultation. In the Deutschen Kalender für die Bukowina 1934 [German Calendar for Bukovina 1934] one can read, among other paragraphs, the following:

Bright warm sunshine glittered over the garden of the German House as on Sunday morning numerous   

festival guests gathered to participate in the consecration of the flag. Pater Göbel found the right words   

as at the start of his celebratory speech he touched on the wave of national exultation, which now flows

and has taken hold of the German people. The city priest Hermann urged deep understanding for 

athletic activities, in which he saw in the tireless effort of the German athlete the realization of his

ideals and the best counterweight for the dark demonic forces, which slumber in the soul of every

person. Poignant words were spoken by the godfather Dr. Lebouton, who at this function together with

Mrs. Tillich, presented the new flag to the chairman of the club, Diploma Engineer Lehner. There

followed perhaps the best part of this celebration as the unfolded banner rustled in the strong fists of

gymnast Kurt Hlauschki and in streaming sunshine there gleamed the golden embroidered  ‘4 Fs,’ the  

proud symbol of the German athletics. The fine words of the festival’s prolog by the same athlete were     

also the nicest accompaniment for this scene. A speech by the chairman, Diploma Engineer Lehner,

emphasized via a brief historic summary the auspicious activity of the honorary chairman, Dr. Hodel,

who had laid the basis for the successful development of the club.


The program continued that afternoon in the Jahn Arena before a well-attended audience. Of all the

presentations the entrance march of all the club members and the mass calisthenics, which followed,

made the deepest impression.


It was a delightful experience to see the many people in similar white attire marching by. One could

tell by the silent marching that training, order and discipline had become second nature to all the male

and female athletes. In the evening the entire gymnastic community and its hangers-on assembled in

the German House. The main part of this celebration was the staged festival performance of The Oath

to the Flag [Das Fahnenschwur].


Loyalty and adherence to the athletic ideals and ethnic lofty goals came from the spoken word and the

performances. Gymnastic exercises, awards for the victors and dancing concluded this impressive

jubilee festivity to which ‘Jahn’ can always reflect with pride.


A period of intensive activity began for “Jahn” in 1933. Successes continued and membership increased from year to year.


Following Diploma Engineer Lehner, retired Colonel Adolf Fialla assumed leadership of the club. He was followed by Professor Guido Krupka and from 1938 it was our unforgettable Erwin Uhrich, who, in a dedicated manner, directed the affairs of the club until the resettlement [1940].


For more than a decade the secretarial and financial work was well-placed in the capable hands of the Oppelt family, which with unusual loyalty to and love for the club dedicated thousands of free hours.


Bukowina-Jahn-Treffen-MeetingsIn about the year 1933 and under the leadership of our beloved music professor Franz Krzyzewski, a “Jahn” Chorus was called o life, which made the fostering of German folk songs with particular consideration for songs relating to hiking and gymnastics its principal focus.


The great significance that befell the “Jahn” Chorus should not remain unmentioned, since in the schools  of Bukovina, which at that time had been fully Romanized, the German youth would otherwise not have had the opportunity so to cultivate the German song as was possible in the “Jahn” Chorus. In this manner the  “Jahn” Chorus contributed to the perpetuation of German folk music in Bukovina, a not insignificant matter.


The resettlement in the fall of 1940 marked the end of German life in Bukovina,--and the “Jahn” flag found quarter in the course of the war years in a quiet spot in Posen. If it was destroyed after the end of the war or left to molder in a closet cannot be determined to this day.


After the war there arose in Büsnau near Stuttgart, the largest Bukovina settlement in the post-war period in the [German] Federal Republic, a new “Jahn” Club, whose recruits are primarily drawn from the descendants of the “old Jahners.”


If the history of the “TSV-Jahn Czernowitz be written, it must also contain a special chapter about “Franzi Guber.” “Franzi”—as he was generally called, was for many years the backbone, the driving strength and soul of the large German sports community in Czernowitz. His multifaceted activities as gymnast, athlete, and soccer player and, not the least, his passionate feelings for the great national cause, propelled him as a leading figure in “Jahn.” An elegant and experienced apparatus gymnast, he was an exercise leader in every respect for male and female squads of the German youth. For him the concept “German gymnastics” was not only a means for physical training. It went far beyond that, in that he made gymnastics a vital developmental element for the German character. Discipline, submission, precision, rhythm and harmony: he used all these and also many other spiritual character values to awaken and develop painstakingly small details with his male and female gymnasts in individual and group work. If along with the purely physical execution of the gymnastic exercises also he laid special meaning to their purely spiritual merits, he unknowingly became the best exponent for ideas of ethnic renewal of the old Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.


With his annual gymnastics and sports events, which he superbly organized and prepared, he always gave an eloquent witness to his successful ethnic training work. Thus the slender and slim figure of blonde Franzi stands not only as a role model for gymnasts and sportsmen for the German Bukovinian youth during the years 1919-1936, but much more in memory amidst a foreign ethnic flood as a towering pillar of advanced outposts of ethnic pioneer work. It would well exceed the guidelines of this celebratory publication to detail the deeds of “Franzi” as gymnast in all its particulars. Although we must constrain ourselves to the assigned guidelines, we nonetheless with to focus a spotlight on his work in calisthenics and as soccer player. Franzi’s specialization in calisthenics was short distance racing. Since this discipline had only a few trained adherents, Franzi had little opportunity to put his high level of skills to the text. But once while he was once performing, he had a very high personage in the audience, namely the Crown Prince of the country, who later ascended the throne as King Carol of Romania. His high praise for Franzi’s performance added considerably to his reputation.


In soccer Franzi played the position of forward in the first team of the Soccer Section. However, he was not only a forward but, above all, an assailant at the opponents’ goalposts. When he rushed down the field like greased lightning, breaking through all enemy lines, the alarm usually went up before their goal posts. . . .





Inspired by the very successful celebration of the founding of TSV-Jahn in Büsnau, festvities of smaller dimensions also took place in Vienna on November 14 in honor of our traditional “Jahn.” After program  speaker forestry engineer Max Talsky opened festivities, Otto Maurer, the  oldest present “Jahner” (since 1905), and long-standing and distinguished committee member, enthusiastically summarized  the origin and development of the Czernowitz Gymnastics and Sports Club “Jahn.” Then Max Talsky shared with the guests his positive impressions of the 50th year celebration in Stuttgart-Büsnau and thanked them for so gladly responding to the invitation in such numbers. These included: Professor Anton Mühldorf, Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Heyn, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Tillich, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Maurer, Dr. and Mrs. Zelinka, Mr. and Mrs. Kamillo Zeman, Mrs. G. Mejor-Matthias, Miss Helga Matthias, Dr. and Mrs. A. Mikulicz, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Kerth, Mr. and Mrs. P. Munkann and daughter, Mr. Fritz Rentschin, Mr. and Mrs. Josef Weber and son, Mr. Martin Schlusser, Dr. and Mrs. Willi Pokorny, Mrs. and Mrs. Oskar Rybiczka, Mr. and Mrs. Hermut Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Max Talski and son.


In conclusion the names of the old and young Jahners are here listed. Since far over 100 of these compatriots live in the Bukovina settlement of Stuttgart-Büsnau, their names are listed first and in alphabetical order:


Marie Baranicki, Oskar Baranicki, Erna Barth née Gölles, Oskar Blaszczyk, Leopold Böhmer, Helene Brod, Otto Dengler, Fritz Dürr, Jakob Edelmayer, Johann Edelmayer, Josef Edelmayer, Olga Edelmayer, Adolf Engster, Arthur Engster, Erhard Engster, Hertha Engster, Olga Engster, Waldemar Engster, Emil Eb, Sylvester Fasakasch, Norbert Fieles, Manfred Frech, Siegfried Frech, Franz Gaschler, Arnold Gaube, Medy Gerber, Albert Gilewitsch, Philipp Gölles, Eduard v. Grabowiecki, Eberhard Harr, Agathe Hemerka, Josef Hemerka, Josef Hemerka, Albert Herwig, Hans Hödel, Josef Ibscher, Arnold Kelsch, Elfriede Kelsch, Emanuel Kelsch, Ewald Kelsch, Otto Kelsch, Robert Kissling, Friederike Klein née Duczek, Hans Klein, Georg Krassler, Gisela Krassler, Johann Kreiner, Paul Leher, Otto Mathes, Josef Mayerhofer, Robert Mayerhofer, Hertha Müller, Peter Müller, Walter Müller, Josef Nestmann, Wenzel Nestmann, Helene Neumann, Eduard Ottinger, Jörg Ottinger, Karl Paschko, Otto Pokoy, Franz Pscheidt, Peter Rach, Günther Rauh, Jakob Rauh, Peter Rubisch, Karl Rungling, Hans Runow, Martin Runzer, Dr. Marian Sablotzki, Dagmar Schaudik, Ferdinand Schlachetka, Helene Schlauch, Stefanie Schlauch, Alfred Schmidt, Ida Schmidt, Siegfried Schneller, Ulla Schreiber, Martin Schulhauser, Mircea Schwaliuk, Eduard Schwarz, Regi Sokol, Gabrielle Sokol, Wilhelm Stachorski, Isador Stadniczuk, Franz Stempel, Franz Stöhr, Else Stöhr née Brod, Dodo Straub, Ludwig Straub, Ditmar Swoboda, Emil Swoboda, Franz Swoboda, Hertha Swoboda, Johann Swoboda, Martha Swoboda, Rudolf Swoboda, Rudolf Tschöppe, Hans Uhrich, Josef Uhrich, Helene Vogt, Karl Voise I, Karl Voise II, Julius Wagner, Franz Watzlawek, Roger Wendling Ottmar Werb, Ludwig Wilhelm, Josef Wimmer, Otto Wimmer, Regina Wimmer, Franz Wisznowski, Heribert Wisznowski, Wenzel Wisznowski, Rudolf Wodnicki.


Christian Armbrüster (Karlruhe), Maximilian Baltheiser (Höhenschwand), Helmuth Bauer (Vienna), Leo Bauer (Bayreuth), Paul Benda, Hans Bender, Helmuth Bensch (Cannstadt near Stuttgart), Marianne Berger née Pieczyk (Linz on the Danube), Eduard Beuter (Frankfurt on the Main), Otillie Blass née Uhrich (Augsburg), Dr. Peter Blass (Munich), Irma Bornemann née Tkaczuk (Stuttgart), Armin Buksch (Duisburg), Roderich  Buksch (Wangen), Kaspar Czerny (Obertshausen), Edmund Dietrich (Lauffen a. N.), Arthur Dombrowski (Munich),  Max Düsterberg (Frankfurt), Viktor Enderl (Freiburg im Breisgau), Albert Engster (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig), Emilie Engster (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig), Adolf Fialla (Reichenhall/Upper Bavaria), Rolf Fialla (Vienna), Bruno Fontin (Nuremberg), Franz Fontin (Innsbruck), Hedwig Fröhlich née Gaschler, Norbert Gaschler (Süßenbach near Regensburg), Reinhold Geimer (Pocking), Martin Gerber (Biberach an the Riss), Emil Glass (Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Grandl, Erhard Grünwald (Stuttgart), Guber Waldemar (Vienna),  Franz Guber (Helmboldhausen), Rudolf Haas (Versbach near Würzburg), Fritz Hadler (Zell am See), Arthur Hannus (Munich-Felmoching), Emil Hartl (Augsburg), Luise Hartl (Augsburg), Heinz Heckel (Hoff/Saale), Viktor Hehn (Karlsruhe), Franz Hermann (Graz-Liebenau), Karl Heuchert (Plochingen a.N.), Otto Heuchert (Gorss-Ropperthausen), Kurt Hlauschke (Munich-Solln), Friedrich Hochmuth (Munich-Dachau), Hedwig Hochmuth (Munich-Dachau), Helene Hodowanski (Munich-Ismaning), Otto Hodowanski (Munich-Ismaning), Valerian Hodowanski (Munich), Robert Hoffmann (Hahenklee/Harz), Ingofried Hopp (Munich-Haar); Otto Januschewski (Salzburg), Toni Januschewski (Munich), Jakob Jelinek (Munich), Josef Jereczinski (Linz on the Danube), Wilhelmine Jereczinski née Slawik (Linz on the Danube), Eduard Kajetanowicz (Munich), Helmuth Kipper (Passau), Herbert Kipper (Passau), Dr. Waldemar Kipper (Austria), Erwin Knoblauch, Otto Koch (Munich), Johann Krotky (Pleinting/Lower Bavaria), Professor Franz Krzyzewski (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig), Stefanie Kulczycki née Benda (Marbach a. N.), Alexander Kuzmany (Munich), Egon Kuzmany (Vienna), Otto Kunzelmann (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig) Marie Lachmund (Duisberg-Hamborn), Otto Lachmund (Duisburg-Hamborn), Hilde Lakota (Passau), Dr. Josef Lehner (Regensburg), Gottfried Leichnitz, Karl Leichnitz (Karlsruhe), Josef Lerch (Verbert/Rhineland), Anton Lesko (Coburg), Gertrud Lohmer (Darmstadt-Buchenland Settlement), Hans Ludwar (Munich), Lorenz Ludwar, Martin Ludwar, Helga Mathias (Vienna), Otto Maurer (Vienna), Hanna Mettert née Ritter (Calw/Württemberg), Heinz Mettert (Calw/Württemberg), Arnold Mock (Gnodstadt), Arthur Mogolnicki (Vienna), Helmuth v. Moltke (Munich), Max Moroschkanitz, Professor Dr. Mühldorf (Vienna), Edgar Müller (Hattenhofen/Göppingen), Viktor Neudeck (Bavaria), Karl Neumann (Munich), Otto Neumann (Munich), Bernhard Niebaum (Bonn), Elly Niebaum née Laufensweiler (Bonn), Leopold Nieciecki (Munich), Edwin Nieciecki (Munich), Hans Olschanski (Schwäbisch-Gmund), Ilse Olschanski (Schwäbish-Gmünd), Marie Oppelt (Landshut), Ferdinand Oppelt (Pretzsch/Elbe), Otto Panenka (Braunschweig), Julius Paulitsch (Steyr/Austria), Otto Plaschke (Kappfenberg/Austria), Willi Pokorny (Vienna), Fritz Poppenberger (Hof/Saale), Friedrich Preisher (Tonbach), Helmuth Preisher (Stuttgart), Erika Prelitsch née Lindes (Munich), Hans Prelitsch (Munich), Oswald Reh (Freiburg im Breisgau), Kasimir Reiski (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig), Karl Renner (Munich), Fritz Rentschin (Vienna), Viktor Rodewald (Stuttgart), Rudolf Russ-Schindelar (Stuttgart), Oskar Rybiczka (Vienna),  Samson-Strobl (Munich), Irmfried Sauer (Munich), Leopold Schayna (Wiedergeltingen), Arthur Schirl (Frankfurt on the Main), Hilde Schlund née Klein (Frankfurt on the Main), Matin Schlusser (Vienna), Wilhelm Schlusser (Grafing-Münich), Oskar Scholz (Passau), Trude Scholz née Wallek (Pallau), Eugen Schramek (Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Gisa Schramek née Hegedüs (Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Marie Schramek (Schwäbisch-Gmünd), Dyonis Schulz (Braunschweig), Siegfried Simader (Salzburg), Otto Stadelbauer (Stuttgart), Siegfried Srobl (Ausgburg), Ernst Sucharowski (Augsburg),  Julius Szén (Karlsruhe), Dagmar Talsky née Zeman (Vienna), Hilde Talsky née Armbrüster (Karlsruhe), Dr. Josef Talsky (Karlsruhe), Max Talsky (Vienna), Alfred Thöner (Dillingen/D.), Eduard Thöner, Franz Thöner, Rudolf Thöner  (all in Dillingen/D.), Karl Tillich (Vienna), Erna Tillich (Vienna), Barbara Turczynski (Munich), Dr. EmanuelTurcznyski (Munich), Leopold Überlacher (Vienna), Edith Uhrich (Lübeck), Emilie Uhrich (Augsburg), Helmuth Uhrich (Münich), Wilhelm Vormund (Salzburg), Dr. Rudolf Wagner (Munich), Dr. Robert Wagner (Wiener-Neustadt), Viktor Wagner (Bavaria), Otto Wallek (Lebenstedt near Braunschweig), Josef Weber (Vienna), Ludwig Weber (Karlsruhe), Dr. Christian Wendling (Bad Mergentheim), Ladislaus Wiszkocsill (Simbach/Inn), Ella Zajaczowski (Stuttgart), Inge Zaklinski (Vienna) and Max Zelgin (Munich-Haar).


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